For Spring
Full Moon Report ft. the Knight of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, and Queen of Pentacles
Noemí Delgado
Cards from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck
On this Full Supermoon in Libra, I ask the deck, my ancestors, our angels, and the Divine to give guidance for our Changing Seasons.
The Mind: Knight of Swords
As our environment shifts into a new energetic rhythm—one of interaction, fertility, and activation—we find ourselves suddenly thrust out of hibernation. This change in pace may bring up a sensation of needing to “catch up.” The Knight of Swords serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us not to get ahead of ourselves. This Knight stubbornly races toward his goal, with no desire to listen to the birds, his loved ones, or even his own intuition. He is out of touch with the cycles that rule this earthly plane, believing that he can force a linear path. Although our natural and social worlds are quickly sprouting, this is not a time to rush but rather to attend to our mental clutter. When our achievement-oriented egos are quiet enough, we can tune in to the wisdom of the landscapes, communities, and spirits that provide for us. Their messages can be heard when we honor stillness, when we convene with the elements, and when we become literate in our own intuitive guidance.
The Body: Seven of Pentacles
In a society that values productivity above all else, deceleration is medicinal: a balm that lubricates our overworked and stiffened joints. The Seven of Pentacles teaches us patient, non-extractive caretaking. This card depicts a person resting while lovingly gazing at their crop. They understand that overharvesting causes imbalance and diminishes sustainability; that we are both gardener and garden. If we want to show up in the world in a sustainably fruitful way, we must slow down and appreciate each new stage of growth—without thinking about the end “result.” By dropping into our bodies, we can break from the outcome-directed paradigm that capitalism forces onto us. By trusting the soil, sun, and water to nourish our paths, we can grow roots.
The Spirit: Queen of Pentacles
Although our spirits have lifetimes of wisdom—some of which is stored in our genetic memory, some of which comes to us in our dreams—we still yearn to be nurtured the way a young child does, especially during times of adaptation. The Queen of Pentacles offers the intelligence of fierce yet grounded mothering. This card tells us to tend to our spirits, to let them know they are safe to explore, expand, and create. Eat grounding foods like root vegetables and seeds to cultivate protection rituals and facilitate honesty around your boundaries. Create a refuge for your spirit so that you do not become stifled by overstimulation or fear.
An elder of mine once told me, in response to my worrying about not finishing something quickly enough, “hay más tiempo que vida.” Because humans are inherently part of nature’s cycles, rushing down a direct path to our desired outcome creates disharmony deep within us. It is especially easy to get swept up by goals, determination, and speed during fiery Aries season. This is a reminder to slow down, listen, and nourish. We must be rooted in order to bloom—a process that cannot be hurried.
I wish you blessings this Supermoon,
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You can read Noemí’s essay “Territory of the Moon Not the State” in issue 1.