Founded in 2020, ATM arose from the sense that crisis unveils the impossibility of keeping a hierarchical world in place. We remember that, preceding COVID-19, we were already living in toxic isolation. Heteronormative systems function to monitor, disconnect, separate, dilute, and self-preserve. The question now is: glimpsing new worlds, how do each of us map our own shit in order to transform our current structures of dependency?
We know that arranging language is crucial for arranging the world we want to live in. We need a blueprint, and we need tools—and we continue to need poetry, stories, and soothing audio narrations. So, along with other actions, we write in order to materialize our inner worlds. Criticism, poetry, and art provide intimate means through which to destroy/create, build mutual aid/collaboration/respect, and pose questions/answers—making them public and visible. Oriented towards repair, we write to undo the world that keeps us intact.
ATM is rooted in daydreams, preoccupation, imagination, and desire. This requires material misuse. This is sensory! Part of this project is to develop new language and networks in the midst of capitalist impossibilities. We are interested in the flickering. This is a project that requires storytelling, movement, and listening.
This is a messy, slippery glitch. We are here for those looking to imagine new forms of relations amidst a crumbling social and political order: those fed up with the white walls creative scene; those who were never interested in it; those who are bored of embellishing the disarray.
Founding Editors
Anjali Emsellem
Tal Milovina
Aliya Bhatia
Amalle Dublon
Mae Eskenazi
Meerabelle Jesuthasan
Priya Prabhakar
Lucas Pincer-Flynn
Sandra Wazaz
Graphic design & visual art
Shireen Ahmed
Natalia Ayala
Chalay Chalermkraivuth
Lara Lewison
Zoe McCarthy
Special thanks
Oona Frauenfelder
Jane Hood
Rowen Light-Wills