2 Poems

Featuring “morning routine" and “inflection” by eae Benioff

eae Benioff, artwork by Lee Teka

Lee Teka

Lee Teka

morning routine

for Paul Celan

unwedged kettle bell

clanks down the swollen stairs 

to the listless enema of the piano dribbling


the glaring prose

of the wallpaper 

on which each day

is trying to write itself 

like almonds in a sparrow's mouth

deuteronomies fly

& solicit soil to receive them & where they can't find soil 

asphalt & where they can't find asphalt 


flung laws fall like manna

& the tongue unwitting gleans 

from the desert turf

a complex of feces & urea   

a rollie pollie in the noon mumbles its maroon 

onto cement

a girl scrawled like a nūn in the sun

considers licking it

but then relents 

because her shadow is cool

her mind unbends

so it’s like she's purchased on a stool 

above herself & her wonder 

& her mother & her mother's mother 

all the way up to god's mother 

who still in my late age

i refuse to call 

for my piece of peace:

my hunger has been spoiled by someone else's hunger

i lack now inertia

watch cereal get soggy in the bowl 

win admonishment 

self-pity & clandestine bitterness

that seeks my whole being 

for its mood 

i have been rude today,

i write, in my diary 

the crucible of being felt is full & i toss the leathered spine aside

to stew 

on my misprisions 

oh paul

i write, in my diary 

why did you fling yourself law-like from that bridge into the Seine

am i so vain 

to wish your life was better

had we met as friends i would have made you tea 

& stroked myself with feathers

& demanded that you laugh at my impersonations of the weather

see already you clouding thru your brightness 

the composition of so little slightness is bare

not barren 

his feet go first into the heat & then into the garden 

but these subjunctives 

like the elastic in balloons

eventually do harden

& it becomes impossible to not say war

war war. war,


& remind myself that nothing is evil 

only history presenting itself as causeless

& myself as feeble



for my co-workers

the brain flickers on 

dimly i c the day has been

relations, as Marx said, can become manifest

only thru the mediation of ideas

like when chelsie & guille wrapped around me as they danced

my cheeks brightened

& they laughed

& all tasks became minor 

& the irrelevance of everything

became delightful 

relief is surreal but relief doesn’t compare  

to the felicity of thought

b/c rlly there’s nothing in the mind

only vacuities abysmal shapes & ampersands

expressed in various degrees of neon

that the mind goes off is mysteriously painful

by contrast sleep has aspects

such as buoyancy inherence calamity & lack

ennui exists 

is not off either but the salutation of a bourgeois 

life falling deafly on the heart’s being ever on

it is a sub-species then of sleep

unforgettably there’s death but death

doesn’t happen 2 us @ all much less our minds

it’s an anvil & onto its gr8 feasance our form falters  

becomes indescribably hot & iron 

becomes time

2 keep it is something only a mind can’t do


i’ve been stamping pastry bags 4 hours

the force of my palm extraneous & required

grows a green nothing in my metacarpals

all pain is srs 2 the bones

the failure 2 be distilled in an experience

like a tumor

sometimes it’s a mercy 2 be cut

i walk beyond the store to where the oranges are

bedded on the rooves & the colder purples on the lintels 

no age is being added 2 the river nor xylum

2 the river birches the day is punctured

i am buffeted by laughter the sun’s timely edges

lather everything is in earshot everything

is improved by its shadow the sidewalk goes

where i wish i have five infinite minutes

deciduous in the extreme but never fleeting

so long, i ask, whose time am i living

who am i b/n & what idea am i & what idea

am i behind everything ends in a careful fuss

of coats & hinges the hours that appear

do not lessen into peace – thank god 

i come home & my heart is full of intervals

perhaps what’s in the mind is this: a chair

a stenotype & a stenographer a transcription

of a case against fear that is ancient & pending

an archive of the soul w/ no librarian

but i’m a soft bitch & i like hope 

Liked this piece? Support Lee's Parole and Reentry Fund, raising money to cover legal costs for artist & activist Lee Teka as they approach parole next year

eae benioff & Lee Teka

eae is a trans poet. she loves her friends and lives in New York. if you want to talk to her about poetry, socialism, the PIC, or (bad) TV she can be reached at regulardyke@gmail.com.

Incarcerated Artist / Activist Eric Lee Tedana (they/them) has been wrongly convicted in Texas for the past 21 years and is currently waiting for the result of a post-conviction DNA testing. Their work can be seen at ABO Comix, ftacollective.com, and worth rises. Their singing can be heard on YouTube. They are eligible for parole next year.


Cuban Struggle is Pan-African Struggle!